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Friday, February 09, 2007

Uh... OH!!...

So its been a while since our last post. We apologize! We have taken tons of adorable pictures of both of our boys and want to get them up as soon as possible! This one however, could not wait!

As Franklin and Otis were wrestling and playing in the living room, Joy heard a strange pop. Rushing into the living room, she finds Otis staring curiously at the curtain. Joy pulled the curtain back to reveal THIS!!!

This is the latest in a long list of damages that our big guy, Otis, has unleashed on us. These include our windshield, the bedroom set, and several paychecks.... stubs luckily! Its a terrible, horrible, aweful thing, and Otis feels really bad each time we pull the curtain back to look at it. But after the immediate anger and shock that we both felt, Joy and I are trying to have a sense of humor about the whole thing. So gasp, shake your head, and then have a good laugh at what a big lug Otis can be! Although Otis seems clearly at fault for the window, I have my own suspicions that the situation played out like this: Little Franklin picked Otis up above his head and then tossed him into the window, at which point Franklin quickly called Joy in to see what Otis had done. This is just the kind of brotherly mischief that I would expect from Mr. Franklin, however I may never be able to prove this in a court of doggy law. Take care everyone and check back for more posts soon!


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fun with little dogs

So, last Saturday, our little boy busted through our screen protectors and made his way under the house. He proceeded to stay there for nearly 6 hours! I tried everything to get him out including the sprinkler, treats and his favorite squeaky toy... but no luck! I finally gave up and waited for him to get hungry. As expected, he came out around 6:30 just happy as a clam and greeted me in the garage. He was covered in a thick, sludgy, muddy substance which I immediately washed off in the tub! I can only assume that he was digging and chasing mice or other animals under there. The original Boston Terriers were a cross breed between the English Bulldog and now extinct English White Terrier (which I can only assume were mice hunters like their cousins the rat terrier) Anyway, he was completely tuckered out and had a nice nap after the bath. I have since blocked up that section of the yard until I can find a more permanent solution.

Side note: This is something we never had to think about with Otis. We are always thinking "upward". What can the dog reach, or jump over. Now we have to start thinking in "downward" terms as well! You live you learn! Sorry no pics this time!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Our little champion!

Check out this video to see what Franklin's favorite past time is!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Franklin's back from the Vet!

Franklin spent 2 days at the Vet's office. He was on IV Antibiotics. When we picked him up and took him home he was like a new dog! He is so playful and energetic. He's been taking all his pills with ease and eating full meals. Here are some photos of him since we've brought him home.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Otis & Franklin Bond

We've taken these photos over the past few days. They've been sleeping closer and closer together. Steve even had both chewing on the same toy yesterday, however, with Franklin being sick, he's still not up to playing with all the toys. We've also included Franklin and one of our bunnies, Holland, getting acquainted.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Franklin is feeling much better!!

Franklin is doing better! He is not completely healed yet, but the cough medicine has worked wonders, and you can just tell that he has started to feel better from his antibiotic. His appetite is slowly returning and we are very confident that he will make a full recovery from his pneumonia!

So, here are some fun pics we took of Franklin from the first weekend that we had him. There is a great one taken after his first sponge bath. We couldnt give him a full bath because of his surgery, but this sponge bath made a world of difference for his odor!! Another one shows the cute little face that me makes with his extreme underbite. Joy and I playfully call him snagglepuss! I think it is adorable! The last one shows Otis and Franklin being friends in the back seat of the car. Arent they cute?!!

Enjoy and check again for more updates!



Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The poor little guy has a pneumonia!

So Joy took Franklin to the vet yesterday after our long, painful, night awake from him coughing all night long. After some tests and xrays of his lungs, it was revealed that he has the initial stages of pneumonia! The poor little fellah! They put him on some heavy meds. One of them you actually have to wear rubber gloves to handle! I could tell a difference instantly after he took the medication although it must have worn off during the night because he awoke again started coughing. We got him back to bed after an hour or so. Im sure things will heal up nicely in a few weeks with him. Otis should be OK because he has had all of his shots, but in the case that he catches anything, Boston Buddies has said that they will cover the vet bills for Otis as well. They have been great about this whole thing and they feel very bad that it has all happened.

Ill keep posting pics as we get them downloaded and keep up with little Franklin's progress as he gets better.